Bichectomy (fat removal from the cheek)

Bichectomy (fat removal from the cheek)

  Bichectomy (fat removal from the cheek) is an operation that can be performed under local anesthesia or can be performed alongside general anesthesia operations. In accordance with the pre-operative planning, 3-5 cc of average fat tissue is removed. The purpose is to provide a triangular face and contour with the concavity created under the cheekbone. Edema will be seen for a few weeks after the operation. Cold application will be started immediately after the operation. Although the new shape starts to settle at the end of 6-8 weeks, edema will continue for 1 year and the shaping will continue.Even if an equal amount of fat is removed from the cheek after the operation, it is possible to have asymmetry. Depending on the injury healing, the two cheeks may not be exactly equal. In the first week, soft and juicy foods will be eaten, as there will be an incision through the mouth. It is normal to feel tenderness in the mouth. Stitches are dissolvable and do not need to be removed.
Alternatively, the cheek area can be thinned with liposuction or non-surgical ultrasonic devices. These are less effective and require multiple sessions.