Skin Care Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy; It is a technique of microinjection of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes into the middle layer of the skin, usually in a mixture. The substances to be applied are selected in accordance with the person and the wishes of the person.  Mesotherapy can be applied for many different purposes.  skin aging
*Spot treatment, sunspots
*Skin cracks
*Weight loss
*Hair loss, hair treatment, baldness
*Detention bruises
What are the side effects of mesotherapy?
Temporary redness and bruising may occur at the injection site. Since the mixture does not enter the systemic circulation, there is no problem and these effects disappear within 1-2 days.
When will the response to mesotherapy treatment be seen?  Depending on the age and skin structure of the person, the effect begins to be seen after the 2nd or 3rd session, which is proportional to the size of the problem. 
What should be considered after mesotherapy?
Before and after mesotherapy applications, it is necessary to avoid drugs that dilute the blood, such as aspirin.
After the procedure, the application area should not be touched with water for about 12 hours and make-up should not be applied. It is recommended not to wear tight-fitting trousers such as jeans and tight-fitting trousers. Challenging movements for 48 hours after mesotherapy sessions,  Hair Mesotherapy Hair mesotherapy is a method that can be used as a support in the treatment of baldness, which reduces hair loss, strengthens hair and ensures hair growth in both women and men. It reduces hair loss by providing the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients in the scalp of people with baldness problems. With the help of injection, it is given to the scalp. This method also accelerates cell metabolism, destroys infections and increases blood circulation in the scalp. It revitalizes hair follicles and helps us achieve strong, voluminous and healthy hair. In the mesotherapy method, using very thin microneedles, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other components that will strengthen and care for the tissue are injected 2-3 mm under the scalp. It is usually applied 1 month after the hair transplantation process and by caring for and strengthening the newly grown hair strands, future hair loss is reduced.