PRP is a form of treatment made by the injection of a substance obtained from the person's own blood and consisting of the initials of the words in the expression 'Platelet Rich Plasma' in English. The injected substance is platelet-enriched plasma. Plasma is a component of blood that helps blood to clot and contains special cells called platelets or other factors and proteins. Plasma also contains various proteins that promote cell growth. By isolating and concentrating the plasma from the blood, the researchers obtained a blood component called PRP, which is a plasma richer in platelet cells.  Among the areas where PRP is most preferred are the following;
Hair loss: PRP injections can be made into the scalp to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. According to studies, PRP injections have been shown to be effective in the treatment of androgenic alopecia, also known as male pattern baldness. Good results can be obtained in hair loss of genetic origin, especially seen in men. PRP can also be applied in combination with hair mesotherapy. 
Skin Rejuvenation: PRP injections can be used for signs of aging on the skin due to aging and environmental factors. With the application, positive effects such as an increase in skin elasticity and a decrease in wrinkles can be observed. PRP can also be preferred to get rid of scars on the skin. Since PRP is a very new treatment method, its effectiveness has not been fully clarified yet.