Lip Filling

What is Lip Filling and How is it done?
Lip filler; It is a procedure performed to shape the lips and add volume to the lips. While giving volume to the inner part of the lips, a contour can be made around it. Trend lip shape applications such as french or russian lips can be designed and applied in accordance with your face.
So, should we be afraid of the process and how is it done?
Before starting the procedure, the lip shape that is suitable for your face and the asymmetries are calculated is determined. An anesthetic cream is applied to the lip area at least half an hour before the procedure so that it can be applied painlessly. Injecting the filler is done with the help of a very fine-tipped cannula. The short-term application is painless. After lip augmentation, you will have more voluminous and beautifully shaped lips,
What should we pay attention to after the procedure?
Extreme hot and cold contact should be avoided for 24 hours after the procedure, it should not be forgotten that there will be an edema that shows more volume for 2-3 days.