Genital Aesthetics

Genital Aesthetics

Labiaplasty (Large and Small Lip aesthetics)
 An important issue in the aesthetic procedures of labia, which we call small and large wings in the genital area, is the loss of volume, which we call deformity and atrophy of the large lips. While the adipose tissue is more and fuller from the youth years, volume loss and sagging may be experienced with the effect of age and recurrent births. For this purpose, adipose tissue taken from a suitable area to be determined by examination is prepared and used to replace the lost volume and fullness. It is a day surgery and it is possible to return to daily life after the procedure. It is recommended to avoid cold application on the first day and sexual intercourse and pressure for a minimum of 3 weeks of adipose tissue viability.
 The fact that the small lips of the female genital organ are too far ahead of the large lips is a condition that can cause problems in terms of appearance and hygiene. In cases where surgical intervention is required, the procedure is in the group of small procedures that can be performed under general anesthesia or sedation under local anesthesia. The purpose here is to remove the long part of the small lips and to close the remaining tissue properly. Reduction of the labia minora is an operation performed to remove the excess skin in the vaginal opening of the female genital organ. Sometimes large labia minora can cause pain during sexual intercourse or adversely affect clothing. Some may find this image disturbing. At the end of the healing process, it is purposed that people will be more comfortable in terms of clothing and not have any problems during sexual intercourse.
 The doctor should be informed if there are important diseases in the patient's history and the medications that he constantly uses. Aspirin and similar blood thinners should be avoided for 10 days before the operation.
Before the operation, the amount of reduction in the small lip and the amount to be given are planned and drawn. The procedure is performed by injecting a local anesthetic and vasoconstrictor drug into the procedure area that will prevent bleeding and relieve pain. The threads used during the process are usually threads that do not need to be removed.
After both procedures, edema, tension and tenderness occur in the operating area for the first 48 hours. To prevent this, it may be necessary to apply cold, wash the area with warm water and use antiseptic solutions. Antibiotics and painkillers are used after the procedure. Generally, starting from the 3rd day, the tension in the operation area begins to decrease and the movements become easier. After the 1st week, it is very common to return to the activities of daily living. Sexual intercourse is not recommended before the 3rd week. It is also beneficial to moisturize the area by washing frequently during this period. A feeling of stinging and burning from time to time, which can reach 5-6 months after the procedure; Itching, redness on the suture line is natural.
  It is a preferred surgical method especially in women who have had multiple births. It is a method in which the muscles are tightened by removing the mucous membrane from the inside of the vagina symmetrically and using the appropriate technique, due to the deteriorated vaginal structure after childbirth and the enlargement and loss of tightness. It is a one-day operation. On the first day after the operation, external cold application and tamponade are recommended. In the first week, there may be slight leakage for the first few days, for which the tampon is sufficient. It is a temporary situation. It is recommended not to have sexual intercourse for the first 6 weeks.