

The simplest explanation of this operation is defined as the fats absorption. This operation for resistant fat cells that settle in some parts of the body provides the fat accumulated in the fats cells to be absorbed. Fat removal, applied for the purpose of regional shaping and provides reaching the desired appearance of body lines.  This method isn’t obesity treatment or weight loss method. When people are in the age of development, there is a constant development in the fat cells with the effect of growth.  With the continuous increase in the number of fat cells The person does not gain weight easily and fat burning occurs quickly.  However, when the development process is completed with age, the increase in fat cells stops. While the number of the fat cells same, there is an increase in fat ratio with weight gain, and there is an increase in the volume of these cells. The person, despite exercising and dieting fat accumulation in these cells cannot be prevented. In this case, liposuction operation is activated. 
Liposuction is a surgical procedure performed in certain parts of the body such as the abdomen, thighs, hips and face to remove resistant fat tissues that do not respond to diet and other weight loss methods and to better shape the body lines.
How is Liposuction Performed?
Step 1) First of all, the areas to be liposuction are determined.
2.Step) Afterwards, a special liquid that dissolves the fat to be taken is given to these areas with the help of cannulas. Cannulas are hollow and thin tubes.
3.Step) The dissolved fat is removed with the help of vacuum and cannulas.
Before Surgery
First of all, the patient should be informed before the operation.
The patient should report any chronic diseases such as diabetes, if any, before the operation.
End your habits such as smoking, alcohol and herbal medicine use that will affect the surgery.
The type of anesthesia should be determined according to the area where the procedure will be applied and the amount of fat. These can be local anesthesia or general anesthesia. A fasting period of at least 8 hours is required for general anesthesia. Finally, necessary tests are performed and evaluated before the surgery.
It is mandatory for the patient to wear a corset for 1 month after the operation.
How long it will take may vary depending on the type of anesthesia applied.
Dizziness may be experienced for a few days after the operation. This is due to lost fluid and electrolytes. For these reasons, in order to minimize dizziness, a healthy diet, plenty of fluids and natural foods should be consumed.
After liposuction surgery, the shaping of the treated area takes approximately 8 weeks and the traces of the cannulas improve up to 6 months.
Does Liposuction Have Risks?
The risk in the operation is minimal. As long as it is done in the hands of experienced surgeons, the risk is almost non-existent. Fat embolism can be seen irregularly in the operation area, especially in those with chronic diseases and very rarely.
How long is the liposuction operation?
Depending on the problem, the operation time can vary from 15-20 minutes to 2-4 hours.
Can You Lose Weight With Liposuction?
Lipsuction surgery is not a weight loss or slimming operation. Liposuction is the surgery to shape more, create the curves of the body and get rid of regional fat that cannot be eliminated by diet/sports.
When Does Swelling Go Down After Liposuction?
The swelling starts to go away in a few weeks, and the final result is seen at the end of 6-12 months.
In Which Areas Is Liposuction Applied?
Step 1: Arrival in Istanbul
Step 2: Your meeting with your plastic surgeon, planning, examination of the anesthesiologist and laboratory tests are done.
Step 3: Generally, when under general anesthesia, 1 night of hospitalization is given, and the patient is discharged the next day. Depending on the procedure, he can return to his country with control the next day or 2 days later
• Anesthesia
• Hospitalization
• Medical Treatment
• Surgical Fee