Neck Lift

Neck Lift

As the skin quality decreases, our neck region, which cannot resist gravity, and our muscle structure called platysma hang down and become uncomfortable. While we use non-surgical methods in our selected patients, who are not older, in mild cases where the neck region needs to be tightened, in fact, the best results in this region are obtained with surgery. We get permanent beautiful results with the stretching process of the lower face area and neck area and liposuction where excess fat tissue is removed. Only with laser liposuction, skin tightening and removal of adipose tissue can be achieved in our patients who do not have excessive skin.
How is neck lift done?
 Neck lift surgery is a stretching procedure that is performed by gathering the skin and muscle structures of the neck behind the ear without a visible scar. Liposuction can be added depending on the fat accumulation in the jowl area of ​​the patient. After 1 week, the stitches are removed, it is recommended to wear a face lift corset for 3 weeks. In the first week, the bruises and edema on the face begin to pass.