Hand and finger replantation

Hand and finger replantation

Loss of limb (Hand and Finger Severance and injuries- Replantation)
  It includes injuries that cause loss of limb by separating our fingers and arm from the body completely or partially, starting from the wrist. In such injuries, blood circulation must be ensured for the life of the severed limb, which we call replantation, and then an operation that requires microsurgery, in which other structures are repaired, must be performed. The blood circulation provided while the structures are repaired under the microscope is the most important factor for the limb to survive. The fact that the limb is not completely disconnected from the body does not mean that it will live without intervention, while it has a positive effect on the intervention period. Appropriate cold storage conditions should be arranged by health teams and delivered to the surgical intervention center as soon as possible according to the type of limb injury and location.
  While in the form of injury, sharp knife-like or guillotine-style incisions do not cause serious damage to the ruptured and injured parts, except for rupture, better results can be obtained with vessel repairs, while crush-like injuries in the form of crushing can also be done, even if the vessel is repaired, as a result of the crushing of the vessel, the layer that we call the endothelium through which the blood passes is damaged. and even with the best repair the finger may not live
  It is not expected that the repaired or replaced finger will fully return to its original state. There may be limited sensory or movement characteristics, therefore, a long-term physical therapy follow-up will be required after the repair.