

Eyelid aesthetics, also known as Blepharoplasty, is a procedure performed by a plastic surgeon on the lower and upper eyelids to remove drooping skin and excessive muscle tissue and tighten the muscles around the eyes.
Skin sagging occurs naturally as we age due to the nature of our skin. As a result of this process, the eyelids develop sagging, discoloration, skin laxity, and wrinkles. Sun exposure, air pollution, lack of sleep, excessive smoking, and drinking all accelerate the aging process of the skin.
What should be considered before Blepharoplasty?
Because of the increased risk of bleeding during surgery, medicines that promote blood thinning, such as Aspirin, Antibiotics, Herbal Medication, and Herbal Tea, should be stopped at least 15 days before the operation.
Because it slows wound healing, smoking, and other Tobacco products should be avoided or reduced for the next 2 to 3 weeks before surgery.
What is the Upper Eyelid Aesthetic Surgery procedure?
If just the top eyelids are being treated, the surgery can be done under a local anesthetic.
Upper eyelid surgery takes around one hour. The sketch determines the section to be altered, and a line buried in the fold line of the lid puts adequate stress on the eyelid.
However, in rare circumstances, the fat pads in the inner and middle sections may be rather visible. As a result, just a minor amount of reduction and procedure is done medically.
What is the procedure for lower eyelid surgery?
The lower eyelid skin and muscle are lifted simultaneously with the incision created right below the lower eyelid eyelashes.
Fat pad reduction is rarely required. In general, spreading fat packs to the border of the eye socket improves the correction of sagging beneath the eyes.
If cheek raising and spreading of the fat pads are insufficient to alleviate the slump, fat injection is used to give a better result. The muscle tissue is suspended on the outside wall of the eye socket after the skin, and muscle tissues are removed. This helps to support the fat tissues. Since lower eyelid aesthetics is usually performed together with mid-facelift surgery, it can also be performed under general anesthesia.
The procedure lasts between 2 and 4 hours, depending on the extra interventions required.
What should we focus on following the operation?
When the treatment is completed, the eyelids will be bandaged. The bands will not obscure your vision.
To reduce edema following the surgery, cold treatment is provided to the eye area.
Despite these measures, swelling and bruising around the eyes may develop. These swellings and bruises tend to worsen within the first two days.
It begins to lessen progressively on the third day. The bands and stitches around the eyes are removed on the fifth day following the treatment.
When the bands and stitches around the eyes are removed, a purple area has started to turn yellow, and some swellings are to be expected.
These fade over time and can be concealed with light makeup if you like.
Hard sports and activities that increase edema risks, such as Solarium, Sauna, Sunbath, and Steam baths, should be avoided for 6 weeks after the surgery.
Will scars appear after eyelid surgery?
During the first few weeks, a thin, pink line may be visible in the upper eyelid fold, lower eyelid, or under the eyelashes.
This condition may remain in the corner of the eye for a longer time in some instances. Because the skin on the eyelids is so thin, identifying the scar that will form after a year is difficult. Furthermore, in some cases when the outer edge of the eye must be supported by a muscle strap, the eyes may seem slanted, particularly during the first week. the condition will gradually improve.