Breast Lift Surgery

Breast Lift Surgery

There are various factors that cause sagging of the breast. Due to the loss of elasticity of the skin with age, sagging that occurs in many parts of the human body is mostly manifested in the breast tissue. When factors such as genetic inheritance, pregnancy, breastfeeding, the effect of gravity, weight gain and loss are added, the size of the sagging increases. Breast lift surgeries are operations performed to reduce or eliminate these problems.
Things to Consider Before Surgery
Breast examination should be performed, breast ultrasonography and mammography should be evaluated and a decision should be made for the operation.
Quitting smoking before the operation allows you to recover faster and without any problems.
Frequently used herbal medicines, aspirin and herbal supplements should be discontinued before the operation.
Types of Breast Lift Surgery
After the examination, which technique is suitable for the patient in the surgery is decided by evaluating the degree of sagging of the chest, tissue elasticity and loss of volume. The incisions to be made can be in the form of a vertical incision from the nipple to the bottom of the nipple or in the form of an inverted T, depending on the degree of deformation. If the patient's breast tissue is sufficient, lifting and augmentation can be done by using his own tissues, or if the tissues are not sufficient, augmentation and lifting can be done by using a prosthesis.
Anesthesia Method and Duration Used
Breast lift surgeries are performed under general anesthesia and the operation takes an average of 3 hours. The patient is usually discharged on the same day or the day after the operation. After 1 day, your control and flight can be planned. Stitches 10-12. taken around the day. Generally, it does not need to be removed as dissolving sutures are used. patients; They can return to their daily activities and social lives after a few days by wearing an elastic bra in the form of a sports bra recommended by their doctor.
Recovery Time After Surgery
 In this case, pain killers and muscle relaxants can be used to control pain. There may be incision scars in different sizes and places, depending on the degree of sagging and the method of surgery. It takes 3-4 months for the breast to find its ideal shape.
Things to Consider After the Surgery
Lifting or pushing anything heavy should be avoided for 3-4 weeks.
Heavy and compelling sports should be avoided for 1 month.
For support reasons, the sports bra recommended by your doctor should be used regularly.
Since the nipple and mammary gland ducts are usually not touched; After the births, your breastfeeding function will not be affected in any way and may decrease due to the surgical procedure.